Bill Gates och EU meddelade igår att man nästa år kommer att dra igång en fond som ska investera i europeiska företag som bekämpar de 


Bill Gates admits to chemtrails Gabriel Hada The U.K.'s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar research fund, which just so happens to have been started and funded by Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates, is being used to fund the project.

It is all being done under the guise of “thwarting global warming.”. It is well-funded. It is well-branded from within the intellectual community. And in the end, it is chemtrails. 2019-09-17 2021-03-26 Related Bombshell: Global Geoengineering (Chemtrails) Experiment Pushed by Bill Gates Also Funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation That Promoted Eugenics and Depopulation. Source – Natural News. by Mike Adams, September 27th, 2019.

Chemtrails bill gates

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It sounds  16 Feb 2019 You have probably read about some of the progress on electricity, as renewables get cheaper. But electricity accounts for only a quarter of all the  24 Mar 2017 The climate researchers intend to launch a high-altitude balloon that would spray a small quantity of reflective particles into the stratosphere. by. 10 Dec 2014 By SUZY T. KANE It all began in Taos, New Mexico, where my husband and I lived and where for months I had been noticing jets in the blue  1 nov.

BILL GATES: A new kind of terrorism could wipe out 30 million people in less than a year — and we are not prepared Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda 

by Mike Adams, September 27th, 2019. The stated goals of these programs are, of course, devastating to life on Earth as we know. Those goals Bill Gates and geoengineering .

Chemtrails bill gates

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Chemtrails bill gates

2019-09-17 · BOMBSHELL: Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation. The mainstream media is now openly pushing geoengineering and chemtrails as a solution for so-called “global warming,” which is of course a complete hoax to begin with. BOMBSHELL: Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation 08/02/2019 / Cassie B. Geoengineering – even in modest amounts – works just like a drug, will kill the planet slowly Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails. Oct 14, 2012. Covid Stimulus Bill mandates UFO Disclosure. Jan 10, 2021. Claim: UK Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) means "bad things" 2019-09-17 · BOMBSHELL: Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation.

Chemtrails-Bill-Gates. July 30, 2012 No comments. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment. Name * Email * Website. VISITORS.
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1. Skolmedicinen, allopati, med alla universitet och legitimerade läkare, som skriver ut kemiska läkemedel istället för sådana som  Lars Bern säger på SwebbTV att det är de rika globalisterna som ligger bakom, hört honom nämna Gates, Soros, Rockefeller och Rothschild (jag  Om ni vill stödja bloggen ekonomiskt, har ni möjlighet att göra det genom att antingen bli stödjande medlem i RMH eller att donera till  This is sponsred even by private intrests as Microsofts Bill Gates. llluminati is faught by fex Russian President Vladimir Putin. One example is  She's all over the news these days, but 16-year-old Greta Thunberg isn't homegrown or grassroots. Her climate schtick is completely a product  Vi måste erkänna att Bill Gates åtminstone är profetisk.

The infamous chemtrails, apparently, leave the theme of urban legends and enter the horizon of events.
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Bill Gates Says Chemtrails Are Good For Us Posted on 04/09/2020 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply Air pollution has a new patron saint. The founder of Microsoft himself wants to fill the skies with sulfate particles released from “specially designed” aircraft flying in programmed patterns in the upper atmosphere.

Where are the young blood donor centers? I don't believe the blood is given willingly. Vampires do not need or like sunshine, just blood. I read on that chemtrails Maar terwijl chemtrail voorstanders als Bill Gates doen alsof deze gif pluimen potentiële toekomstige interventies zouden betreffen, Wijst het bewijs al op het feit dat chemtrails al in gebruik zijn geweest voor vele jaren. 2019-08-13 · Bill Gates The researchers hope to release chemicals from planes 12 miles up (Getty) It sounds like a wacky idea out of science-fiction - but it’s funded in part by billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and backed by top scientists at Harvard University. Edward Teller is widely recognized for his work in the field. Former United States Science Czar John Holdren, University of Calgary professor David Keith, Stanford University professor and Carnegie Institution member Ken Caldeira, and Microsoft’s Bill Gates are currently very prominent proponents.

Detta är värsta skiten. Det kommer att leda till att vi inte kan röra oss i samhället utan att vara vaccinerade och att vår rörlighet styra av vår 

Det är samma Eva  En konspirationsteori (av latinets conspirare som betyder "andas tillsammans") är en hypotes eller teori om en komplott, sammansvärjning eller konspiration. Här kommer en prognos för antalet dödsfall i Sverige. Peaken kommer i början av Maj. Är det någon som vet hur de har räknat. Varför vill Bill Gates blockera solljus från att nå jorden? Det finns redan chemtrails som blockerar och skadar människor världen över, men  Bill gates äger WHO och har tillsammans under flera år bakåt i tiden planerat denna covid pandemi som pågår nu. Allt för att tjäna pengar på  söndag 2013-04-14 enligt väderbolaget efter kl.13.00 blev himlen fullständigt nedskitad av chemtrails. Här är ett utdrag från Bill Gates hur  Det är en stor lögn att vi lever i en tid med klimatkris, menar Larry Bell, som har skrivit boken “Climate of Corruption – Politics and Power behind the Global  Haha, jag blev precis utskälld när jag frågade dåren i FB-gruppen om varför han var så arg och fick svaret att alla forskare är korrupta.

#Tshirtshop #Tshirtprinting #Camiseta#Tees #Shirts #Tee #tshirtdesign #tshirts #tshirt #billgates  Geo-engineering facts. There are no scientific proof that chemtrails exists, according to SMHI (Swedish Meterological and Hydrological Institute), and they are  Pris: 229 kr. Häftad, 2014. Skickas inom 7-10 vardagar. Köp Chemtrails, Haarp, And The Full Spectrum Dominance Of Planet Earth av Elana M Freeland på  Tobbex källa i trådstarten.